Max/MSP and the Stewart Platform, Sequencer
I discovered the map – Landscape Pro 2.0 Auto-Generated Material with stunning scenery that can provide a visually stunning backdrop to the simulated flight, making it all the more engaging.
I followed the tutorial from last week’s class and attempted to create a ride path that simulates the movements of a bird through a landscape. I incorporated multiple turns and tilts in order to create a realistic experience that accurately depicts the bird’s movements as it flies through the air, including both upward and downward pitches.
Unreal Blueprints:
Unreal video:
Video Player
MAX Patch:
Final Video – Unreal + Stewart Platform:
Video Player
Final thoughts:
I found the week’s assignment to be pretty enjoyable and rewarding. It was exciting to create an experience simulation and discover new and innovative ways to manipulate the properties of motion in order to create a captivating experience. It was really fun experimenting with different values of roll, pitch, and yawn and bringing the ride to life in a way that feels realistic. My unreal engine did crash a couple of times in the beginning and I kept losing unsaved data. So learned my lesson – ‘Save early and save often’. This problem was resolved once I updated my drivers.